You searched for "progress"
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Book of the Month: Progress with Oxford: Age 8–10 Activity Books
From cracking comprehension to tackling times tables, Progress with Oxford has been created to help your child practise essential numeracy and literacy skills at home.
Progress with Oxford Age 8–9
Progress with Oxford activity books help develop essential English and Maths skills. Help your child practise times tables, grammar, handwriting and more.
Progress with Oxford
Progress with Oxford activity books are a fun-packed way to develop essential English and maths skills at home, perfect for primary-aged children.
Choosing a primary school
Education expert James Clements gives his advice on how to choose the right school for your child.
Early years: Getting ready to write
Here are 5 fun and easy activities you can try at home to build up your child's co-ordination, strength, and control before they start writing.
Early numeracy skills: 6 fun ways to encourage counting
It’s never too early to explore numbers and counting with your child. Encourage early numeracy skills with these 6 great activities.
How to support your child during GCSEs – what to do and when
As your child starts studying for their GCSEs, Aaron Wilkes gives his advice on navigating the new exams and encouraging good study skills.
Time flies: helping your child learn to tell the time
Learning to tell the time using both analogue and digital clocks is still an important skill, but it’s something that children can find tricky to master. Louise Pennington shares ideas to support your child's growing understanding of time.
Book of the Month: All Aboard …
To celebrate the publication of the brand-new All Aboard series, we’ve got three pairs of books to give away! (January 2020)
What are reading schemes and why do they matter?
Educational publishing expert Andrea Quincey explains why reading schemes are important, and what the different colours, bands and levels actually mean.
What is the Year 4 multiplication tables check?
Find out all about the new times tables assessment for Year 4 students being trialled in June 2019. Discover how you can help your child prepare. Read more >
Everyday assessment
Discover how and why your child is assessed at school, and find out about all the major tests they'll be expected to take at primary school.
Countdown to the KS2 SATs: week one
Advice about how you can help your child to do their very best in the KS2 national tests, and how the assessments can be approached so that they’re a positive experience for everyone involved.
The new GCSEs explained – what’s changed and how the new grades work
Teacher and writer Aaron Wilkes explains what the new 1–9 GCSE grades mean, how they will be used, and how they map onto the old A*–U GCSE grades.
Overcoming maths anxiety and being #PositiveAboutNumbers
Derry Richardson talks about combating maths anxiety and becoming #PositiveAboutNumbers, with helpful practical tips for parents.