You searched for "read with oxford non-fiction"
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A case for non-fiction:
five reasons to read non-fiction with your child
Education expert James Clements outlines five benefits of reading non-fiction, and gives us his top non-fiction reads for ages 5–11.
Oxford Reading Tree & Levels: parent guide
A parent guide to Oxford Reading Tree and Biff, Chip and Kipper. Use our reading level chart to discover what reading levels and book bands mean, and find out your child's reading level.
Four top tips for getting the most out of non-fiction
There are lots of great reasons to share factual books with your child. Here are our top four tips for getting the most out of reading non-fiction.
Read with Oxford Stage 4
Read with Oxford Stage 4 is for children who are beginning to read with more confidence. Find out about the series and browse our books and activities.
Non-fiction: Explore and Invent
Find out about the incredible invention of the flying machine, discover how people have spread the word throughout history and learn all about the solar system! Explore outer space and discover amazing inventions in this fascinating collection of five Read with Oxford non-fiction texts, ideal for children who are beginning to read independently. View product
Non-fiction: Animal Superpowers
Discover some amazing animal superpowers! Find out about animals with super strength and speed, read about some incredible birds, and learn why minibeasts matter. View product
Non-fiction: Marvellous History
Find out about amazing people and moments from throughout history in this collection of five fascinating non-fiction texts. Discover how travel has become faster and faster, meet some incredible geniuses from history, and discover how some mistakes led to amazing scientific discoveries and inventions. View product
Non-fiction: Incredible Animals
Find out about some weird and wonderful insects, meet the class that have their own tiger and discover the amazing creatures that live in the deep, dark ocean! Discover some of the incredible animals that we share our world with in this fascinating collection of six Read with Oxford non-fiction texts, ideal for children who are gaining more reading confidence. View product
Non-fiction: Weather and Seasons
Find out more about the different seasons, how to be ready for all types of weather, and how the world around us changes from daytime to night-time! View product
Read with Oxford Stage 1
Read with Oxford is an exciting range of levelled books to build reading confidence at home. Use Stage 1 to start your child on their reading journey.
Read with Oxford Stage 3
Read with Oxford is an exciting range of levelled books to build reading confidence at home. Use Stage 1 to start your child on their reading journey.
Non-fiction: Make and Bake
Find out how to make your own sock puppet, grow your own picnic and make a strawberry mess! This collection is designed to tap into your child's interest in baking and making things, supporting national curriculum topics and providing phonics practice. View product
Non-fiction: Survival and Extinction
Discover incredible stories of survival and extinction, from the life of dinosaurs and other giant animals to how to stay safe in extreme weather and the most essential resources humans need for survival. View product
Non-fiction: Our Wonderful World
Find out about exotic plants, explore beautiful beaches and see the world through an animal's eyes! Explore our wonderful world in this fascinating collection of seven Read with Oxford non-fiction texts, ideal for children who are developing early reading skills. View product
Non-fiction: Animals and Us
Find out more about the animals of the world, how they adapt to survive and how they use tools just like us! From dogs and lions to kingfishers and atlas moths, this collection is packed full of fascinating facts about both familiar and more unusual animals. View product