Bookshop » Bookfinder » Numicon: Card 1-100 Number Track

Numicon: Card 1-100 Number Track

Numicon: Card 1-100 Number Track

This thick number track made from reinforced card can be used as a number line or number square, in a wide range of activities and games to help children work with numbers 1 to 100. Split into sections of 10 for extra flexibility and to aid understanding.

Suitable ages 4-11


This thick number track made from reinforced card can be used as a number line or number square, in a wide range of activities and games to help children work with numbers 1 to 100. Split into sections of 10 for extra flexibility and to aid understanding.

Suitable ages 4-11

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ISBN-13: 9780198487135

Building a secure future in mathematics for every child.

Numicon builds a deep understanding of maths through a multi-sensory approach, developing children’s fluency, reasoning and problem-solving. Numicon apparatus and shapes encourage children to reason mathematically through use of concrete objects.

This thick number track made from reinforced card can be used as a number line or number square, in a wide range of activities and games to help children work with numbers 1 to 100. Split into sections of 10 for extra flexibility and to aid understanding.

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