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Take away from 10
Practise subtracting numbers to make number statements.
What’s inside?
It’s present time! Match the shapes to the presents.
Match the shape
Can you find all the hidden shapes in the picture?
Whose is it?
Help each of the three bears find their things.
Matching pairs
Link all the muddled-up shoes to make pairs.
Jack and the Beanstalk
Drag the pictures to put this story in order.
Take away from 20
Practise taking away from 20.
Multiply by 2
Practise multiplying by 2.
Multiply by 5
Practise multiplying by 5.
Multiply by 10
Practise multiplying by 10.
Multiply by 3
Practise your 3 times tables.
Multiply by 4
Practise your 4 times tables.