The first Pippi Longstocking story was published in the autumn of 1945. From a world devastated by war, Astrid Lindgren wrote about a completely new type of girl character. A strong, kind, curious, anti-authoritarian, and playful girl who makes extraordinary things happen. With her mismatched stockings, carrot-coloured hair and freckly face, not to mention super-human strength and resilience, Pippi Longstocking has become a cultural icon.

Pippi books

Join Pippi on her escapades, from hunting the mysterious snirkle to sailing the south seas. Great for children ages 5–9.

Browse books

Pippi dress up

Find out how to create your own Pippi and Mr Nilsson costumes.

Costume ideas

Pippi of Today campaign

Pippi of Today is an initiative from The Astrid Lindgren Company in partnership with Save the Children to support refugee girls.

Find out about the campaign

Host a Pippi party!

Celebrate the strongest girl in the world by hosting your own Pippi party! Download our free party pack to make a Pippi party that will go with a bang!

Bookshops can email [email protected] to request a free bookshop party pack and display materials.