Blog posts for: At school

Preparing for parents’ evening

Preparing for parents’ evening

Parents’ evenings are a very important part of the relationship you develop with your child’s school and teacher. Find out how to get the most out of them.

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Countdown to the KS2 SATs: week one

Countdown to the KS2 SATs: week one

Advice about how you can help your child to do their very best in the KS2 national tests, and how the assessments can be approached so that they’re a positive experience for everyone involved.

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Using the Bond 10 Minute Tests

Using the Bond 10 Minute Tests

11+ tutor and writer Michellejoy Hughes explains how using the short Bond 10 Minute Tests can really help with structuring summer revision for the 11+

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Maths is everywhere!

Maths is everywhere!

Maths expert Louise Pennington shares her advice for developing your child’s maths skills during school closures by exploring maths in the real world.

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