Blog posts for: Maths

8 fun ways to learn about shapes

8 fun ways to learn about shapes

Shapes are all around us and there are many ways you can start exploring them with your child. Get ideas on how to help familiarise your child with different shapes in all sorts of contexts.

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Time flies: helping your child learn to tell the time

Time flies: helping your child learn to tell the time

Learning to tell the time using both analogue and digital clocks is still an important skill, but it’s something that children can find tricky to master. Louise Pennington shares ideas to support your child’s growing understanding of time.

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Money skills in a digital age

Money skills in a digital age

How to develop an understanding of money and healthy money habits in our children when there are fewer opportunities for them to see the real and physical exchange of cash.

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Start calculating with Numicon

Start calculating with Numicon

It can be hard making the jump from counting numbers to calculating. Sheila O’Reilly shares activities to introduce your child to addition and subtraction.

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Money, money, money

Money, money, money

Money isn’t everything, but being ‘good with money’ is undoubtedly a useful life skill. Read Fiona Lazenby’s top tips for practising using money with your child.

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Maths is everywhere!

Maths is everywhere!

Maths expert Louise Pennington shares her advice for developing your child’s maths skills during school closures by exploring maths in the real world.

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