by | Dec 10, 2023

Fun Christmas activities for 0–4 year olds

From hand-print Christmas wreaths to games to develop shape recognition skills, discover lots of toddler-friendly crafts and activity ideas to try with your little ones this Christmas!

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In The Tree That’s Meant to Be, the animals of the forest decide to decorate their fir tree with berries, feathers, leaves, nuts, and flowers. What will you decorate yours with?

Make a festive Christmas wreath with your child that is good enough to hang up! Visit the Crafty Morning website for lots of ideas of easy-to-make wreaths using everyday things you will have at home.

Create your own magical Christmas Unicorn decorations by following these simple steps.

Epic quest! Can you colour in the five brave heroes of the Super Happy Magic Forest?

Cooking together is a great way to practice counting and measuring, and it’s fun to boot. These melting snowman cookies are very easy to make and look fantastic.

Make a snowman for all seasons from the lovely winter story, You Make Me Smile . Help your child create their own snowman decoration to hang in the window or on the Christmas tree.

Mouse has decided that getting in the festive spirit is far too dangerous! Download this colouring in sheet from the warm and comical Christmas tale, The Mouse that Cancelled Christmas.

Find the matching present

If your child enjoys unwrapping presents, this Christmas challenge is for them! Look for objects around the house that are different shapes and sizes: a tin of beans, a satsuma, a lego figure, a hazelnut, a book, a pen, and so on. You will need two of each item. Wrap one from each pair. Put the wrapped items in a stocking and the unwrapped items on the table in front of it. Point to an item on the table and ask your child to feel in the stocking for the matching shape. Perhaps they can keep the items as they unwrap them!

Car game: Who can spot?

This fun car game gets everyone looking out for Christmassy things. Decide on a particular thing to look out for – for example, Christmas lights in windows, Father Christmas decorations in gardens, or Christmas trees (double points if it’s in a car or lorry!). The winner is the person who can spot the most on their side of the car in an agreed time limit, or the first to get to an agreed total.

Car game: Fill in the gaps

Choose a picture book or short story to read and every so often miss out a word and everyone has to guess what it is. Alternatively, you could play a funny, Christmas version of this game by agreeing a Christmas word to shout out every time there’s a gap in the story, such as ‘Christmas pudding’. ‘Little Red Riding Hood was carrying a basket of… Christmas pudding. Following her through the wood was a… Christmas pudding‘, and so on!