by | Oct 8, 2017

Fun things to do outside this autumn

Autumn is a brilliant time to visit the park and woods. Even on dull-weather days, children need to get outside and explore – it’s good for their physical and mental well-being, and can be fun family time too. Here are seven ideas for things to do outside this autumn, courtesy of author Julia Green and the Woodland Trust.

1. Cook doughsticks outside

Cook dough twists on the fireMake a fire in the garden and cook yummy dough twists on a stick.

2. Create tree bark rubbings using paper and crayon

What different kinds of bark can you find?

3. Build a bug hotel

Make a bug hotel with these easy instructions from the RSPB.

4. Collect leaves

Collect leaves and learn which trees they’ve fallen from.

5. Use your imaginations to make marvellous things with sticks!

Here are 20 things to do with sticks … can you think of more?

6. Become a nature detective

Find animal tracks

See how many different sets of footprints you can find and cross them off on this Fantastic Tracks activity sheet.

7. Take a sketch-book and colouring pencils outside

Drawing helps us to LOOK more closely and see the world in new ways.

More things to do this Autumn half term