You searched for "maths"
(459 results found)
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Overcoming maths anxiety and being #PositiveAboutNumbers
Derry Richardson talks about combating maths anxiety and becoming #PositiveAboutNumbers, with helpful practical tips for parents.
Maths is everywhere!
Maths expert Louise Pennington shares her advice for developing your child's maths skills during school closures by exploring maths in the real world.
Fun maths games and activities
Have fun practising your maths skills with these games, activity sheets, and videos.
Find out how maths is taught at primary school. Prepare for KS1 and KS2 SATs. Tips, games, and activities to help your child with maths and times tables.
Maths: Age 4–5 (Reception)
Help your 4 or 5 year old practice maths at home with everyday maths games and activities. Help your child learn by making maths fun!
Fun books with maths
Lots of fun book ideas that introduce key maths concepts for children to read at home.
Maths: Age 3–4 (Early Years)
It’s never too early to explore numbers with your child. These ideas will help your child to explore numbers, giving them a great start to developing early maths skills and concepts.
How gardening can cultivate your child’s maths skills
Science writer Isabel Thomas shares her top five tips for cultivating maths skills in the garden, no matter how big or small your green space and green fingers.
How Numicon can help develop maths skills at home
Early Years teacher and mother Sheila O'Reilly shows us how the 1st Steps with Numicon at Home kit can support your child's early maths development.
KS2 SATs: Maths
Find out all about the Key Stage 2 SATs maths test. Take a look at our advice, activities, videos, and books to help support your child.
Maths activity books
Our maths activity books are a great way for children aged 3–11 to develop maths skills at home. Fully aligned to the curriculum.
Boosting early maths skills with number facts
Louise Pennington shows us her top five maths games, including 'Bunny rabbit ears' and 'What's in the bag?', to help your child practise their number facts.
Maths education glossary: M to Z
Find helpful explanations of maths terms, as well as activities, downloadable sheets, and videos for further support. From measurements to word problems.