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Mickey and the Missing Spy


Mickey and the Missing Spy

Mickey is a secret agent for the Top Secret Animal spy ring COBRA. When her hero and codebreaker extraordinaire Hildegarde L. McTavish disappears, Mickey feels it’s her duty to investigate. But the Animal Spies do not meddle in human affairs – will Mickey be able to bridge the gap between human and animal spies?

Suitable for age 7+

Original price was: £6.99.Current price is: £6.55.

Mickey is a secret agent for the Top Secret Animal spy ring COBRA. When her hero and codebreaker extraordinaire Hildegarde L. McTavish disappears, Mickey feels it’s her duty to investigate. But the Animal Spies do not meddle in human affairs – will Mickey be able to bridge the gap between human and animal spies?

Suitable for age 7+

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ISBN-10: 0192773658
ISBN-13: 9780192773654

Codes to crack, puzzles to solve, mysteries to uncover – there is never a dull moment in the life of a spy. And that is exactly what Mickey does: she is the only human operative in the secret animal spy agency COBRA. Mickey’s previous adventures with the Animal Spies proved she is not only smart but also trustworthy – it’s a great honour for Mickey, as the Animal Spies do not work with humans. But when human spies start disappearing under suspicious circumstances, Mickey feels it’s her responsibility to discover what is happening.

In Mickey and the Missing Spy, it is up to Mickey to unite the human and animal world of espionage for the very first time, in order to save her hero and top spy, Hildegarde McTavish!



‘A fast-paced mystery full of sparky wit… [with] lots of actual puzzles and codes for children to solve.’ – BookTrust

‘Anne Miller’s book is a fun way to show how humans and animals can get on together.’ – The Express


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