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Stinkbomb and Ketchup-Face and the Evilness of Pizza

Stinkbomb and Ketchup-Face and the Evilness of Pizza


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ISBN-10: 0192738259
ISBN-13: 9780192738257

Psst! Psst! Psssssst!!! OI, YOU!! Do you want to know a secret? Well? Do you? It’s a good one . . . honest. You’ll never believe it. It’s so unbelievably unbelievable and soooooo secret. You have to promise not to tell ANYONE. Well? Do you? Cross your heart and hope to die (or at least pass out for a few minutes). OK . . . here goes. You know those badgers? You’ll never guess what they’ve been up to this time . . .

With more twists and turns than a pizza delivery guy on an oil slick, this amazing adventure will leave you hungry for more (pizza) . . .

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