Browse by school year:

Welcome to Year 2


In schools in England, Year 2 is for children 6–7 years old and is the last year of Key Stage 1. As your child continues through this year, there will be a continued focus on phonics and developing their skills further in writing and maths – exploring new concepts, developing their writing stamina and ensuring they have opportunities to work with more independence in preparation for the transition to Year 3.

At the end of Year 2, all pupils will take SATs in reading, SPaG (spelling, punctuation, and grammar), and maths.

The chances are that your child will be completely oblivious to the SATs process. Some schools prepare for the tests without ever using the word ‘test’ or ‘exam’. You can find more information about the tests on our Key Stage 1 SATs page.

Image showing children in a school classroom sitting down and looking up

What to expect in Year 2

Grammar and science! Find out what your child can expect in Year 2. Find out more >

Image of boy writing

English in Year 2

Find out more about the Year 2 curriculum for English.

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image of a girl reading a book for pleasure

Reading in Year 2

Find out more about the Year 2 curriculum for reading.

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Image showing a boy lying on his back and smiling

Maths in Year 2

Find out more about the Year 2 curriculum for maths.

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Image showing boy touching his chin and writing

Key Stage 1 SATs

The SATs can seem like a daunting part of your child’s education, but if you know what to expect, they don’t need to be scary for you or your child! Find out more

Recommended books for Year 2

Early readers

Practice phonics skills with these Stage 5 books from Read with Oxford.

Early readers for age 6+

Activity books

Develop core English and maths skills with Progress with Oxford activity books.

Activity books for age 6–7

Children's dictionaries

Find the right dictionary for your child.

Oxford Children’s Dictionaries

Children's fiction

Exciting books to help develop a love of reading.

Fiction for age 6+